Adding material abstractio plus metal reflective material

Nigel Barink 2023-03-05 12:02:51 +01:00
parent 336b2a5598
commit 35c69dbee6
6 changed files with 114 additions and 11 deletions

View File

@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ void write_color(std::ostream& out, color pixel_color, int samples_per_pixel){
// Divide the color by the number of samples
auto scale = 1.0 / samples_per_pixel;
r *= scale;
g *= scale;
b *= scale;
r = sqrt (scale * r);
g = sqrt (scale * g);
b = sqrt (scale * b);

View File

@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
#pragma once
#include "ray.h"
#include "rtweekend.h"
class material;
struct hit_record{
point3 p;
vec3 normal;
shared_ptr<material> mat_ptr;
double t;
bool front_face;

src/material.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
#pragma once
#include "rtweekend.h"
struct hit_record;
class material {
virtual bool scatter (const ray& r_in, const hit_record& rec, color& attenuation, ray& scattered) const = 0;
class lambertian : public material{
lambertian(const color& a) : albedo(a){}
virtual bool scatter(const ray& r_in, const hit_record& rec, color& attenuation, ray& scattered) const override {
auto scatter_direction = rec.normal + random_unit_vector();
scatter_direction = rec.normal;
scattered = ray(rec.p, scatter_direction);
attenuation = albedo;
return true;
public :
color albedo;
class metal : public material{
metal(const color& a) : albedo(a){}
virtual bool scatter(const ray& r_in, const hit_record& rec, color& attenuation, ray& scattered)const override {
vec3 reflected = reflect(unit_vector(r_in.direction()), rec.normal);
scattered = ray(rec.p, reflected);
attenuation =albedo;
return (dot(scattered.direction(), rec.normal) > 0);
color albedo;

View File

@ -4,13 +4,22 @@
#include "color.h"
#include "hittable_list.h"
#include "sphere.h"
#include "material.h"
#include <iostream>
color ray_color(const ray& r, const hittable& world){
color ray_color(const ray& r, const hittable& world, int depth){
hit_record rec;
if(world.hit(r, 0, infinity, rec)){
return 0.5 * (rec.normal + color(1,1,1));
if( depth <= 0)
return color(0,0,0);
if(world.hit(r, 0.001, infinity, rec)) {
ray scattered;
color attenuation;
if(rec.mat_ptr->scatter(r, rec, attenuation,scattered))
return attenuation * ray_color(scattered, world ,depth -1);
return color(0,0,0);
vec3 unit_direction = unit_vector(r.direction());
@ -26,11 +35,21 @@ int main ()
const int image_width = 400;
const int image_height = static_cast<int>(image_width /aspect_ratio);
const int samples_per_pixel = 100;
const int max_depth = 50;
// World
hittable_list world;
world.add(make_shared<sphere>(point3(0,0,-1), 0.5));
world.add(make_shared<sphere>(point3(0,-100.5,-1), 100));
auto material_ground = make_shared<lambertian>(color(0.8,0.8, 0.0));
auto material_center = make_shared<lambertian>(color(0.7,0.3,0.3));
auto material_left = make_shared<metal> (color(0.8,0.8,0.8));
auto material_right = make_shared<metal>(color(0.8,0.6,0.2));
world.add(make_shared<sphere>(point3(0,-100.5,-1), 100.0, material_ground));
world.add(make_shared<sphere>(point3(0,0,-1), 0.5, material_center));
world.add(make_shared<sphere>(point3(-1.0, 0.0, -1), 0.5, material_left));
world.add(make_shared<sphere>(point3(1.0, 0.0, -1), 0.5, material_right));
// Camera
@ -48,7 +67,7 @@ int main ()
auto u = (i + random_double()) / (image_width-1);
auto v = (j + random_double()) / (image_height-1);
ray r = cam.get_ray(u,v);
pixel_color += ray_color(r, world);
pixel_color += ray_color(r, world, max_depth);
write_color(std::cout, pixel_color, samples_per_pixel);

View File

@ -6,13 +6,14 @@
class sphere : public hittable{
sphere(point3 cen, double r): center(cen), radius(r){};
sphere(point3 cen, double r, shared_ptr<material> m): center(cen), radius(r), mat_ptr(m){};
virtual bool hit(const ray& r, double t_min, double t_max, hit_record& rec) const override;
point3 center;
double radius;
shared_ptr<material> mat_ptr;
@ -38,6 +39,7 @@ bool sphere::hit(const ray& r, double t_min, double t_max, hit_record& rec) cons
rec.p =;
vec3 outward_normal = (rec.p - center) /radius;
rec.set_face_normal(r, outward_normal);
rec.mat_ptr = mat_ptr;
return true;

View File

@ -43,6 +43,18 @@ class vec3{
return e[0]*e[0] + e[1]*e[1] + e[2]*e[2];
inline static vec3 random(){
return vec3(random_double(), random_double(), random_double());
inline static vec3 random (double min, double max){
return vec3(random_double(min,max),random_double(min,max),random_double(min,max));
bool near_zero() const {
const auto s = 1e-8;
return (fabs(e[0]) < s) && (fabs(e[1]) < s) && (fabs(e[2]) < s);
double e[3];
@ -95,3 +107,27 @@ inline vec3 cross(const vec3& u, const vec3& v){
inline vec3 unit_vector(vec3 v){
return v / v.length();
vec3 random_in_unit_sphere(){
auto p = vec3::random(-1,1);
if(p.length_squared() >= 1) continue;
return p;
vec3 random_unit_vector(){
return unit_vector(random_in_unit_sphere());
vec3 random_in_hemisphere (const vec3& normal){
vec3 in_unit_sphere = random_in_unit_sphere();
if(dot(in_unit_sphere, normal) > 0.0) // In the same hemisphere as the normal
return in_unit_sphere;
return -in_unit_sphere;
vec3 reflect (const vec3& v, const vec3& n){
return v -2 *dot(v,n) *n;