Nigel Barink Nigel
  • The Netherlands
  • I develop and experiment with software for fun.. whilst trying to make a career out of it.

  • Joined on 2020-10-03
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Nigel pushed to Feature/SceneGraph at Nigel/YoggieEngine

  • 99eb5282e5 Added a prepare step to the renderer , removed transform object and GPUBucket object, Added a mesh to the Render3DComponent
  • bc1254e427 Rendering a cube basics through ENTT
  • Compare 2 commits »

2022-10-23 12:02:31 +00:00

Nigel pushed to Feature/SceneGraph at Nigel/YoggieEngine

  • 7458254b2d Basic Entity Components implementation

2022-10-22 22:36:12 +00:00

Nigel pushed to Feature/SceneGraph at Nigel/YoggieEngine

2022-10-22 15:20:21 +00:00

Nigel pushed to Feature/SceneGraph at Nigel/YoggieEngine

  • e0e8de90b1 Removing B-ECS from BarinkEngine, Moving not really graphics related definitions outside the graphics folder, Moving Graphical primitives into a graphics primitives subfolder

2022-10-22 13:36:37 +00:00

Nigel pushed to Feature/SceneGraph at Nigel/YoggieEngine

2022-10-22 13:21:57 +00:00

Nigel pushed to Feature/SceneGraph at Nigel/YoggieEngine

  • 29e715b92a Adding docking support through ImGui , Adding multiviewport support through ImGui, Moving header file back into the src directory , started building the editor, Added framebuffer to renderer.

2022-10-22 11:27:33 +00:00

Nigel pushed to Feature/SceneGraph at Nigel/YoggieEngine

  • 463a9ff307 Sped up application load time by Enginestatistics allocation from heap to stack, Colour and rotation render test

2022-10-09 19:13:32 +00:00

Nigel pushed to Feature/SceneGraph at Nigel/YoggieEngine

  • cbbdafcb3e Moved rendering code outside of the sandbox update function, renderer instance is now rendering the cube ( although colour is still missing but should be something simple)

2022-10-08 18:40:17 +00:00

Nigel pushed to Feature/SceneGraph at Nigel/YoggieEngine

2022-10-08 13:34:23 +00:00

Nigel created branch Interrupts in Nigel/BarinkOS

2022-09-03 16:04:39 +00:00

Nigel pushed to Interrupts at Nigel/BarinkOS

2022-09-03 16:04:39 +00:00

Nigel deleted branch Paging from Nigel/BarinkOS

2022-09-03 16:04:25 +00:00

Nigel deleted branch Interrupts from Nigel/BarinkOS

2022-09-03 16:04:11 +00:00

Nigel pushed to dev at Nigel/BarinkOS

  • 68371475d9 Marking memory management features as done. Work still needs to be done but the bare minimum for memory management is there.

2022-09-03 15:38:52 +00:00

Nigel pushed to dev at Nigel/BarinkOS

2022-09-03 15:32:00 +00:00

Nigel pushed to Paging at Nigel/BarinkOS

2022-09-03 15:28:31 +00:00

Nigel pushed to Paging at Nigel/BarinkOS

  • 656ca0baa8 KERNEL: Pre-kernel sets up the physical memory manager.

2022-09-02 23:01:16 +00:00

Nigel pushed to Paging at Nigel/BarinkOS

  • 01fcb0aa15 KERNEL: Improved Physical memory allocation code / Code refactor

2022-09-02 19:10:27 +00:00

Nigel pushed to Paging at Nigel/BarinkOS

2022-09-01 18:17:56 +00:00

Nigel pushed to Paging at Nigel/BarinkOS

  • a70ae5ca31 KERNEL: Mapping the bios region ( below 1Mib)

2022-09-01 14:43:13 +00:00