
26 lines
1.1 KiB
Raw Normal View History

# Project Planning
**NOTE:** __Fairly detailed planning__
<input type="checkbox" checked></input> Setup build system \
<input type="checkbox" checked></input> Link with GLFW \
<input type="checkbox" checked></input> Basic Window \
<input type="checkbox" checked></input> Basic Triangle rendering \
<input type="checkbox" checked></input> Basic IMGui \
<input type="checkbox"></input> Basic Textures \
<input type="checkbox" checked></input> Link GLEW or GLAD \
<input type="checkbox" checked></input> Work on basic logging \
<input type="checkbox" checked></input> Input handling \
<input type="checkbox"></input> More shader work \
<input type="checkbox" checked></input> Load FBX model files \
<input type="checkbox"></input> Basic Physics \
<input type="checkbox" checked> Running LUA \
<input type="checkbox"> Lua Scripting \
<input type="checkbox"></input> To far in the future
## Resources
https://renderdoc.org/ \
https://api.projectchrono.org/tutorial_table_of_content_chrono.html \
https://github.com/epezent/implot -- Useful when displaying graphs of any kind \