Started implementing the virtual file system

- The FAT command is no longer available
- At Startup the FileSystem initialise funciton
is called, it should execute the same code as the FAT command did.
- ACPI::initialise is commented out because it causes a Exception
Nigel Barink 2023-02-17 21:52:03 +01:00
parent 133c16cae7
commit 490529099b
10 changed files with 429 additions and 237 deletions

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ CC = ${HOME}/opt/cross/bin/i686-elf-gcc
CPP = ${HOME}/opt/cross/bin/i686-elf-g++
CFLAGS = -ffreestanding -Og -ggdb -Wall -Wextra
OFILES =$(BUILD_DIR)/boot.o $(BUILD_DIR)/kterm.o $(BUILD_DIR)/kernel.o $(BUILD_DIR)/memory.o $(BUILD_DIR)/paging.o $(BUILD_DIR)/pit.o $(BUILD_DIR)/time.o $(BUILD_DIR)/keyboard.o $(BUILD_DIR)/io.o $(BUILD_DIR)/processor.o $(BUILD_DIR)/gdtc.o $(BUILD_DIR)/idt.o $(BUILD_DIR)/pic.o $(BUILD_DIR)/sv-terminal.o $(BUILD_DIR)/string.o $(BUILD_DIR)/prekernel.o $(BUILD_DIR)/cpu.o $(BUILD_DIR)/KHeap.o $(BUILD_DIR)/pci.o $(BUILD_DIR)/pcidevice.o $(BUILD_DIR)/atapiDevice.o $(BUILD_DIR)/ataDevice.o $(BUILD_DIR)/rsdp.o $(BUILD_DIR)/acpi.o
OFILES =$(BUILD_DIR)/boot.o $(BUILD_DIR)/kterm.o $(BUILD_DIR)/kernel.o $(BUILD_DIR)/memory.o $(BUILD_DIR)/paging.o $(BUILD_DIR)/VFS.o $(BUILD_DIR)/pit.o $(BUILD_DIR)/time.o $(BUILD_DIR)/keyboard.o $(BUILD_DIR)/io.o $(BUILD_DIR)/processor.o $(BUILD_DIR)/gdtc.o $(BUILD_DIR)/idt.o $(BUILD_DIR)/pic.o $(BUILD_DIR)/sv-terminal.o $(BUILD_DIR)/string.o $(BUILD_DIR)/prekernel.o $(BUILD_DIR)/cpu.o $(BUILD_DIR)/KHeap.o $(BUILD_DIR)/pci.o $(BUILD_DIR)/pcidevice.o $(BUILD_DIR)/atapiDevice.o $(BUILD_DIR)/ataDevice.o $(BUILD_DIR)/rsdp.o $(BUILD_DIR)/acpi.o
SRC_DIR = source
BUILD_DIR = build
@ -42,7 +42,13 @@ test:
$(EMULATOR) -boot d -cdrom $(BUILD_DIR)/barinkOS.iso -serial stdio -vga std -display gtk -m 2G -cpu core2duo -d int -no-reboot -no-shutdown
test_disk: all
sudo losetup /dev/loop9 build/disk.img
sudo mount /dev/loop9 /mnt
sudo cp build/myos.bin /mnt/boot/myos.bin
sudo umount /mnt
sudo losetup -d /dev/loop9
$(EMULATOR) -boot d -drive format=raw,file=build/disk.img -serial stdio -vga std -display gtk -m 2G -cpu core2duo
@ -103,6 +109,8 @@ $(BUILD_DIR)/acpi.o:
$(CPP) -c $(SRC_DIR)/kernel/drivers/pit/pit.cpp -o $(BUILD_DIR)/pit.o $(CFLAGS) -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti
$(CPP) -c $(SRC_DIR)/kernel/vfs/VFS.cpp -o $(BUILD_DIR)/VFS.o $(CFLAGS) -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti
$(CPP) -c $(SRC_DIR)/kernel/drivers/ps-2/keyboard.cpp -o $(BUILD_DIR)/keyboard.o $(CFLAGS) -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ void ACPI::initialize(){
// Find the Root System Description Pointer
ACPI::rsd_ptr = FindRSD();
// Get the Root System Description Table
ACPI::rsd_table = getRSDT(rsd_ptr);
ACPI::rsd_table = getRSDT((RSDPTR*)((uint32_t)rsd_ptr + 0xC00000000));

View File

@ -18,17 +18,16 @@ void printRSD(RSDPTR* rsd){
char* memory_byte = (char*) 0x000f2e14;
char* memory_byte = (char*) 0xC00f2e14;
const void* string = "RSD PTR ";
for( ; (uint32_t) memory_byte < 0x0100000; memory_byte+=10){
for( ; (uint32_t) memory_byte < 0xC0100000; memory_byte+=10){
if( memcmp(memory_byte , string , 8 ) == 0 ) {
printf("RSD PTR found at 0x%x !\n", memory_byte);
printRSD((RSDPTR*) memory_byte);
return (RSDPTR*) memory_byte;

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include "../../vfs/File.h"
class FAT16 : File {

View File

@ -14,11 +14,11 @@ extern "C"{
#include "drivers/pci/pci.h"
#include "drivers/pit/pit.h"
#include "drivers/acpi/acpi.h"
#include "drivers/ide/ide.h"
#include "i386/processor.h"
#include "terminal/kterm.h"
#include "interrupts/idt.h"
#include "serial.h"
#include "vfs/VFS.h"
extern "C" void LoadGlobalDescriptorTable();
extern "C" void jump_usermode();
@ -54,17 +54,13 @@ extern "C" void kernel ()
// Enable interrupts
asm volatile("STI");
// ACPI::initialize();
// ACPI::initialize(); // FIXME: improper reading of bios memory
printf("Enable Protected mode and jump to kernel main\n");

View File

@ -70,160 +70,14 @@ extern "C" void startSuperVisorTerminal()
printf("|=== BarinkOS ===|\n");
if(strncmp("FAT", command, characterCount) == 0)
if(strncmp("LIST", command, characterCount) == 0)
int devNumber = 0 ;
for ( auto device : ide_devices){
if (!device.Reserved)
printf("Device %d\n" , devNumber);
printf (" Device on Channel: (0x%x) %s\n" ,device.Channel, device.Channel == 0 ? "Primary" : "Secondary");
printf (" Device drive:(0x%x) %s\n" , device.Drive, device.Drive? "Slave" : "Master");
printf (" Device Type:(0x%x) %s\n" , device.Type, device.Type ? "ATAPI" : "ATA");
devNumber ++;
printf("=============== DIRECTORY LISTING =================\n");
enum BUS_PORT {
Primary= 0x1f0,
Secondary = 0x170
// FIXME: If no drive is connected we continue trying to read from
// a not connected drive!
ATA_DEVICE::Identify((uint16_t) BUS_PORT::Primary, DEVICE_DRIVE::MASTER);
const int C = 0;
const int H = 0;
const int HPC = 16;
const int SPT = 63;
int S = 1;
uint32_t LBA = (C*HPC+H) * SPT + (S-1);
printf("LBA: %d\n" , LBA);
uint16_t buffer [256];
MBR* mbr = (MBR*) buffer;
printf("BootSector: 0x%x\n", mbr->ValidBootsector );
for( int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i ++){
PartitionTableEntry PT = mbr->TableEntries[i];
printf("Partition %d [ %d sectors, PartitionType: %x, 0x%x, \nLBA Start: 0x%x ]\n" ,
i, PT.Number_sectors_inPartition, PT.PartitionType, mbr->uniqueID, PT.LBA_partition_start );
// Find the BiosParameter block
uint16_t biosparameterblock[256];
ATA_DEVICE::Read(BUS_PORT::Primary, DEVICE_DRIVE::MASTER, mbr->TableEntries[0].LBA_partition_start, biosparameterblock);
auto* bpb = (BiosParameterBlock*) biosparameterblock;
printf("\nBPB: Bytes per Sector %d\n", bpb->BytesPerSector );
printf("OEM ID: %s\n", bpb->OEM_id);
printf("Bytes per sector: %d\n", bpb->BytesPerSector);
printf("Sectors per cluster: %d\n", bpb->SectorsPerCluster);
printf("Reserved sectors: %d\n", bpb->ReservedSectors);
printf("Number of FAT: %d\n", bpb->NumberOfFileAllocationTables);
printf("Number of Dir entries: %d\n", bpb->NumberOfDirectoryEntries);
printf("Total Sectors in volume: %d\n", bpb->TotalSectorsInLogicalVolume);
printf("Sectors per FAT: %d\n", bpb->NumberOfSectorsPerFAT);
* @brief File Allocation Table
uint32_t FATAddress = mbr->TableEntries[0].LBA_partition_start + bpb->ReservedSectors ;
uint16_t FAT[256];
// Show data in terminal
for(unsigned short i : FAT) {
printf("%x ", i);
uint32_t RootDirectoryRegion = FATAddress + ( bpb->NumberOfFileAllocationTables * bpb->NumberOfSectorsPerFAT );
uint32_t DataRegion = RootDirectoryRegion + ((bpb->NumberOfDirectoryEntries * 32) / bpb->BytesPerSector );
uint16_t data2 [256];
ATA_DEVICE::Read(BUS_PORT::Primary, DEVICE_DRIVE::MASTER, RootDirectoryRegion, data2 );
auto* RootDirectory = (DirectoryEntry*) data2;
// List files in root
for(int i= 0; i < bpb->NumberOfDirectoryEntries ; i++ )
auto* entry = (DirectoryEntry*)((uint32_t) RootDirectory + (i * sizeof(DirectoryEntry)));
if( entry->filename[0] == (uint8_t) 0x00 )
break; // There are no more entries in this directory or the entry is free
if( (entry->attribute & 0x01) == 0x01 || (entry->attribute & 0x20) == 0x20)
continue; // Skip listing if hidden or Achieve flag is set
// Print the filename;
for(char n : entry->filename){
if(n == 0x20)
for(unsigned char n : entry->Extension){
printf("Attribute: %x \n" , entry->attribute);
printf("FileSize: %d Bytes\n", entry->FilesizeInBytes);
if( entry->FilesizeInBytes != 0x0 || (entry->attribute & 0x8) == 0x0){
printf("Show contents");
printf( "Start cluster of the file: 0x%x\n" , entry->StartingCluster);
printf("IS it only 1 cluster? %s\n" , FAT[i] == 0xFFFF? "Yes": "No" );
uint32_t sector = DataRegion + ((entry->StartingCluster - 0x02 ) * bpb->SectorsPerCluster);
uint16_t dataBlob [256];
ATA_DEVICE::Read(BUS_PORT::Primary, DEVICE_DRIVE::MASTER, sector, dataBlob );
for(unsigned short n : dataBlob)
kterm_put(n & 0x00ff);
kterm_put(n >> 8);
if(strncmp("DEVICES", command, characterCount) == 0){
printf("================ CONNECTED DEVICES ===============\n");

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
class File {
virtual const File* Open () const ; // TODO: figure out a proper return value
virtual const char* Read() const;
virtual void Write();

View File

@ -1,50 +1,354 @@
#include "VFS.h"
#include "../filesystem/FAT/BiosParameterBlock.h"
#include "../drivers/ide/ide.h"
#include "../drivers/ata/ataDevice.h"
#include "../partitiontable/mbr/MasterBootRecord.h"
#include "../memory/KernelHeap.h"
#include "../../lib/include/string.h"
#include "../filesystem/FAT/DirectoryEntry.h"
MOUNT_INFO mountInfo;
FILE volOpenFile(const char* fname)
unsigned char device = 'a';
char* filename = (char*) fname;
if(fname[1]== ':'){
device = fname[0];
filename += 2; // strip the volume component from the path
if(_filesystems[device - 'a']){
FILE file = _filesystems[device-'a']->Open(filename);
file.device = device;
return file;
FILE file;
file.flags = FS_INVALID;
return file;
extern void volReadFile(PFILE file, unsigned char* Buffer, unsigned int length)
extern void volCloseFile(PFILE file)
if( file->device < DEVICE_MAX){
// _filesystems[file->device]->Close(file);
extern void volRegisterFilesystem(PFILESYSTEM fsys , unsigned int deviceID){
if(deviceID < DEVICE_MAX)
_filesystems[deviceID] = fsys;
extern void volUnregisterFilesystem(PFILESYSTEM){
extern void volUnregisterFileSystemByID(unsigned int deviceID){
enum BUS_PORT {
Primary = 0x1f0,
Secondary = 0x170
bool driveAvailable(){
int devNumber = 0;
for ( auto device : ide_devices){
// FIXME: If no drive is connected we continue trying to read from
// a not connected drive!
ATA_DEVICE::Identify((uint16_t) BUS_PORT::Primary, DEVICE_DRIVE::MASTER);
return true;
MBR* getPartitions(){
const int C = 0;
const int H = 0;
const int HPC = 16;
const int SPT = 63;
int S =1;
uint32_t LBA = (C*HPC+H) * SPT + (S-1);
MBR* mbr =(MBR*) malloc(sizeof (MBR));
ATA_DEVICE::Read(BUS_PORT::Primary, DEVICE_DRIVE::MASTER, LBA, (uint16_t*)mbr);
printf("BootSector: 0x%x\n", mbr->ValidBootsector );
for( int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i ++){
PartitionTableEntry PT = mbr->TableEntries[i];
printf("Partition %d [ %d sectors, PartitionType: %x, 0x%x, \nLBA Start: 0x%x ]\n" ,
i, PT.Number_sectors_inPartition, PT.PartitionType, mbr->uniqueID, PT.LBA_partition_start );
return mbr;
BiosParameterBlock* getBPB(MBR* mbr){
BiosParameterBlock* bpb = (BiosParameterBlock*) malloc(sizeof(BiosParameterBlock));
ATA_DEVICE::Read(BUS_PORT::Primary, DEVICE_DRIVE::MASTER, mbr->TableEntries[0].LBA_partition_start, (uint16_t*) bpb);
printf("OEM ID: %s\n", bpb->OEM_id);
printf("Bytes per sector: %d\n", bpb->BytesPerSector);
printf("Sectors per cluster: %d\n", bpb->SectorsPerCluster);
printf("Reserved sectors: %d\n", bpb->ReservedSectors);
printf("Number of FAT: %d\n", bpb->NumberOfFileAllocationTables);
printf("Number of Dir entries: %d\n", bpb->NumberOfDirectoryEntries);
printf("Total Sectors in volume: %d\n", bpb->TotalSectorsInLogicalVolume);
printf("Sectors per FAT: %d\n", bpb->NumberOfSectorsPerFAT);
return bpb;
uint16_t* ReadFAT (BiosParameterBlock& bpb , MBR& mbr) {
uint32_t FATAddress = mbr.TableEntries[0].LBA_partition_start + bpb.ReservedSectors ;
uint16_t* FAT = (uint16_t*)malloc(sizeof (uint16_t) * 256);
// Show data in terminal
* TODO: Implement this!!
for(unsigned short i : FAT) {
printf("%x ", i);
return FAT;
void listFilesInRoot(MBR& mbr, BiosParameterBlock& bpb ){
auto FATAddress = mbr.TableEntries[0].LBA_partition_start + bpb.ReservedSectors;
uint32_t RootDirectoryRegion = FATAddress + ( bpb.NumberOfFileAllocationTables * bpb.NumberOfSectorsPerFAT );
uint32_t DataRegion = RootDirectoryRegion + ((bpb.NumberOfDirectoryEntries * 32) / bpb.BytesPerSector );
uint16_t* FAT = ReadFAT(bpb, mbr);
uint16_t data2 [256];
ATA_DEVICE::Read(BUS_PORT::Primary, DEVICE_DRIVE::MASTER, RootDirectoryRegion, data2 );
auto* RootDirectory = (DirectoryEntry*) data2;
// List files in root
for(int i= 0; i < bpb.NumberOfDirectoryEntries ; i++ ) {
auto *entry = (DirectoryEntry * )((uint32_t) RootDirectory + (i * sizeof(DirectoryEntry)));
if (entry->filename[0] == (uint8_t) 0x00)
break; // There are no more entries in this directory or the entry is free
if ((entry->attribute & 0x01) == 0x01 || (entry->attribute & 0x20) == 0x20)
continue; // Skip listing if hidden or Achieve flag is set
// Print the filename;
for (char n: entry->filename) {
if (n == 0x20)
for (unsigned char n: entry->Extension) {
printf("Attribute: %x \n", entry->attribute);
printf("FileSize: %d Bytes\n", entry->FilesizeInBytes);
if (entry->FilesizeInBytes != 0x0 || (entry->attribute & 0x8) == 0x0) {
printf("Show contents");
printf("Start cluster of the file: 0x%x\n", entry->StartingCluster);
printf("IS it only 1 cluster? %s\n", FAT[i] == 0xFFFF ? "Yes" : "No");
uint32_t sector = DataRegion + ((entry->StartingCluster - 0x02) * bpb.SectorsPerCluster);
uint16_t dataBlob[256];
ATA_DEVICE::Read(BUS_PORT::Primary, DEVICE_DRIVE::MASTER, sector, dataBlob);
for (unsigned short n: dataBlob) {
kterm_put(n & 0x00ff);
kterm_put(n >> 8);
FILE fsysFatDirectory (const char* DirectoryName){
FILE file;
unsigned char* buf;
PDIRECTORY directory;
char DosFileName[11];
ToDosFileName(DirectoryName, DosFileName, 11);
DosFileName[11] =0;
for (int sector=0; sector <14 ; sector++){
ATA_DEVICE::Read(BUS_PORT::Primary, DEVICE_DRIVE::MASTER, mountInfo.rootOffset + sector, (uint16_t*)buf);
directory = (PDIRECTORY) buf;
for (int i =0; i < 16; i++){
char name[11];
memcpy(name, directory->Filename, 11);
if(strncmp(DosFileName, name, 11) == 0){
strcpy(, DirectoryName); = 0;
file.currentCluster = directory->FirstCluster;
file.eof = 0;
file.filelength = directory->FileSize;
if(directory->Attrib == 0x10){
file.flags = FS_DIRECTORY;
} else {
file.flags = FS_FILE;
return file;
// Can't find file
file.flags = FS_INVALID;
return file;
void fsysFATRead(PFILE file, unsigned char* buffer, unsigned int length){
unsigned int physSector = 32 + (file->currentCluster - 1);
const unsigned int SECTOR_SIZE = 512;
// read sector
ATA_DEVICE::Read(BUS_PORT::Primary, DEVICE_DRIVE::MASTER, physSector, (uint16_t*) buffer );
unsigned int FAT_Offset = file->currentCluster + (file->currentCluster /2);
unsigned int FAT_Sector = 1 + (FAT_Offset / SECTOR_SIZE);
unsigned int entryOffset =FAT_Offset % SECTOR_SIZE;
void VirtualFileSystem::Initialize(FS* root)
root = root;
uint8_t FAT[SECTOR_SIZE*2];
ATA_DEVICE::Read(BUS_PORT::Primary, DEVICE_DRIVE::MASTER, FAT_Sector,(uint16_t*) FAT); // Read 1st FAT sector
// read entry for next cluster
uint16_t nextCluster = *(uint16_t*) &FAT[entryOffset];
// test if entry is odd or even
if(file->currentCluster & 0x0001){
nextCluster>>= 4; // grab the high 12 bits
nextCluster &= 0x0FFF; // grab the low 12 bits
void VirtualFileSystem::Open(const char* path)
// test for end of file
if(nextCluster >= 0xff8){
file->eof -1;
// test for file corruption
if(nextCluster == 0){
file->eof =1;
// set next cluster
file->currentCluster = nextCluster;
What does this mean?
1. Parse the path string
2. Traverse the graph (Finding the correct Node)
3. Create some kind of open file pointer thingy
FILE fsysFatOpenSubDir(FILE kFile, const char* filename){
FILE file;
char DosFileName[11];
ToDosFileName(filename, DosFileName, 11);
DosFileName[11] = 0;
//read directory
unsigned char buf[512];
fsysFATRead(&file, buf, 512);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 16; i++){
// get current filename
char name[11];
memcpy(name, pkDir->Filename, 11);
name[11] = 0;
if(strncmp(name, DosFileName, 11) == 0){
strcpy(, filename); = 0;
file.currentCluster = pkDir->FirstCluster;
file.filelength = pkDir->FileSize;
file.eof = 0;
// set file type;
if(pkDir->Attrib == 0x10){
file.flags = FS_DIRECTORY;
} else{
file.flags = FS_FILE;
return file;
// go to next entry
// unable to find file
file.flags = FS_INVALID;
return file;
void VirtualFileSystem::Read()
// NOTE: we need some way to know what file we wish to read from
void VirtualFileSystem::Write()
// NOTE: we need some way to know what file we wish to write to
void VirtualFileSystem::Mount(const char* path, FS* FileSystem)
void FileSystem::initialize()
MBR* mbr = getPartitions();
BiosParameterBlock* bootsector = getBPB(mbr);
listFilesInRoot(*mbr, *bootsector);
What does this mean?
1. Parse the path string
2. Add a node to our internal graph
mountInfo.numSectors = bootsector->NumberOfSectorsPerFAT;
mountInfo.fatOffset = 1;
mountInfo.fatSize = bootsector->NumberOfSectorsPerFAT;
mountInfo.fatEntrySize = 8;
mountInfo.numRootEntries = bootsector->NumberOfDirectoryEntries;
mountInfo.rootOffset = (bootsector->NumberOfFileAllocationTables * bootsector->NumberOfSectorsPerFAT) + 1;
mountInfo.rootSize = (bootsector->NumberOfDirectoryEntries * 32) / bootsector->BytesPerSector;*/
void VirtualFileSystem::UnMount(FS* FileSystem)
What does this mean?
1. Parse the path string
2. Remve a node to our internal graph

View File

@ -1,29 +1,76 @@
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#define FS_FILE 0
#define FS_DIRECTORY 1
#define FS_INVALID 2
#define DEVICE_MAX 26
class VirtualFileSystem{
typedef struct _FILE {
char name [32];
uint32_t flags;
uint32_t filelength;
uint32_t id;
uint32_t eof;
uint32_t position;
uint32_t currentCluster;
uint32_t device;
typedef struct _FILE_SYSTEM{
char name[8];
FILE (*Directory) (const char* Directoryname);
void (*Mount) ();
void (*Read) (PFILE file, unsigned char* buffer, unsigned int length);
void (Close) (PFILE);
FILE (*Open) (const char* filename);
typedef struct _MOUNT_INFO{
uint32_t numSectors;
uint32_t fatOffset;
uint32_t numRootEntries;
uint32_t rootOffset;
uint32_t rootSize;
uint32_t fatSize;
uint32_t fatEntrySize;
typedef struct _DIRECTORY{
uint8_t Filename[8];
uint8_t Ext[3];
uint8_t Attrib;
uint8_t Reserved;
uint8_t TimeCreatedMs;
uint16_t TimeCreated;
uint16_t DateCreated;
uint16_t DateLastAccessed;
uint16_t FirstClusterHiBytes;
uint16_t LastModTime;
uint16_t LastModDate;
uint16_t FirstCluster;
uint32_t FileSize;
// Date Format
// [0..4] Day
// [5..8] Month
// [9..15] Year
// Time Format
// [0..4] Seconds
// [5..10] Minute
// [11..15] Hour
extern PFILESYSTEM _filesystems[DEVICE_MAX];
FILE volOpenFile(const char* fname);
void volCloseFile(PFILE file);
void volRegisterFilesystem(PFILESYSTEM, unsigned int deviceID);
void volUnregisterFilesystem(PFILESYSTEM);
void volUnregisterFileSystemByID(unsigned int deviceID);
class FileSystem{
void Initialize( FS* root);
void Open (const char* path);
void Read();
void Write();
void Mount(const char* path,FS* FileSystem);
void UnMount(FS* FileSystem);
FS* root;
static void initialize();
struct FS
const char* name ;
int DeviceID;
int ManufacturerID;
FS* next;