Nigel Barink 2dcc3f1803 Deferred rendering mode + Skybox
- Added deferred rendering mode to the renderer
- Added a skybox to the forward rendering mode
- moved default imported assets directory (temporary fix)
2022-12-28 22:35:23 +01:00

134 lines
3.7 KiB

#pragma once
#include <yaml-cpp/yaml.h>
#include <yaml-cpp/node/type.h>
#include <string>
#include <filesystem>
#include <fstream>
#include "../../YoggieEngine/src/Scene/Entity.h"
void WriteFile(std::string& emitter, std::filesystem::path path)
std::cout << "Writing Scene file to: " << path.u8string() << std::endl;
std::ofstream sceneFile;
sceneFile << emitter.c_str();
YAML::Emitter& operator<< (YAML::Emitter& emitter, glm::vec3& vector) {
emitter << YAML::Flow << YAML::BeginSeq << vector.x << vector.y << vector.x << YAML::EndSeq;
return emitter;
std::string Serialize( Scene& scene) {
YAML::Emitter emitter;
emitter << YAML::BeginMap;
emitter << YAML::Key << "Scene" << YAML::Value << "test-Scene";
emitter << YAML::Key << "Entities" << YAML::Value << YAML::BeginSeq;
scene.getReg().each([&scene, &emitter](auto enttNumber) {
Entity entity = Entity(enttNumber, &scene);
emitter << YAML::BeginMap;
emitter << YAML::Key << "Entity" << YAML::Value << entity.GetComponent<IdentifierComponent>().name;
if (entity.HasComponent<IdentifierComponent>()) {
emitter << YAML::Key << "Ident";
emitter << YAML::BeginMap;
emitter << YAML::Value << entity.GetComponent<IdentifierComponent>().name;
emitter << YAML::EndMap;
if (entity.HasComponent<TransformComponent>()) {
emitter << YAML::Key << "Transform" << YAML::Value ;
emitter << YAML::BeginMap;
emitter << YAML::Key << "Position";
emitter << YAML::Value << entity.GetComponent<TransformComponent>().Position;
emitter << YAML::Key << "Rotation";
emitter << YAML::Value << entity.GetComponent<TransformComponent>().Rotation;
emitter << YAML::Key << "Scale";
emitter << YAML::Value << entity.GetComponent<TransformComponent>().Scale;
emitter << YAML::EndMap;
if (entity.HasComponent<LightComponent>()) {
emitter << YAML::Key << "Light";
emitter << YAML::Value;
emitter << YAML::BeginMap;
emitter << YAML::Key << "Color";
emitter << YAML::Value << entity.GetComponent<LightComponent>().Color;
emitter << YAML::EndMap;
emitter << YAML::EndMap;
emitter << YAML::EndSeq;
emitter << YAML::EndMap;
return std::string(emitter.c_str());
void SaveScene(std::filesystem::path path, Scene& scene) {
std::string YAMLString = Serialize(scene);
WriteFile(YAMLString, path);
void LoadScene(std::filesystem::path path, Scene& scene)
auto sceneYAML = YAML::LoadFile(path.u8string());
if (!sceneYAML["Scene"]) {
spdlog::error("Not a scene file!");
std::string SceneName = sceneYAML["Scene"].as<std::string>();
auto entities = sceneYAML["Entities"];
for (const auto& entity : entities) {
std::string entityID = entity["Ident"].as<std::string>();
YoggieEngine::Entity SE = scene.AddEntity(entityID);
if (entity["Transform"])
TransformComponent tc = SE.GetComponent<TransformComponent>();
auto positionNode = entity["Transform"]["Position"];
tc.Position = glm::vec3(positionNode[0].as<float>(), positionNode[1].as<float>(), positionNode[2].as<float>());
auto rotationNode = entity["Transform"]["Rotation"];
tc.Rotation = glm::vec3(rotationNode[0].as<float>(), rotationNode[1].as<float>(), rotationNode[2].as<float>());
auto scaleNode = entity["Transform"]["Scale"];
tc.Scale = glm::vec3(scaleNode[0].as<float>(), scaleNode[1].as<float>(), scaleNode[2].as<float>());
if (entity["Light"]) {
LightComponent lc = SE.AddComponent<LightComponent>();
lc.Color = glm::vec3(entity["Light"]["Color"][0].as<float>(), entity["Light"]["Color"][1].as<float>(), entity["Light"]["Color"][2].as<float>());