#include "../../YoggieEngine/src/EntryPoint.h" #include #include #include #include #include "AssetManagement/SceneSerializer.h" #include "AssetManagement/AssetManager.h" #include "Views/Viewport.h" #include "PropertyPanels/SceneExplorer.h" #include "AssetManagement/AssetFinder.h" #include "MainMenuBar.h" #include "PropertyPanels/Inspector.h" #include "Project/ProjectInfo.h" #include "Runtime/RuntimeControls.h" #include "AssetManagement/uuid.h" #include "Project/Settings.h" #include "Console.h" using namespace YoggieEngine; class Editor : public Application { public: Editor() : Application("Editor"){} void Run() override { std::string path = (std::filesystem::current_path()).string(); project.setProjectDirectory(path); LoadLastOrEmptyProject(); //ProjectInfo projectInfo(project); RuntimeControls rc = RuntimeControls(); Viewport sceneview = Viewport(scene); SceneExplorer explorer(Selected, scene); Inspector inspector = Inspector(Selected); //Settings settings = Settings(); AssetFinder assetsView = AssetFinder(); //Console console = Console(); Selected = YoggieEngine::Entity((entt::entity) -1, &scene); double previous = glfwGetTime(); double lag = 0.0; while (!appWindow->WindowShouldClose()) { PollEvents(); double now = glfwGetTime(); double elapsed = now - previous ; previous = now; lag += elapsed; scene.Update(); if (sceneview.isFocused) { UpdateSceneCamera(sceneview); std::cout << "Scene view in Focus!\r" ; } GuiBegin(); { MainMenuBar menuBar = MainMenuBar(); // Show a menu bar menuBar.ApplicationMenu(project); menuBar.SceneMenu(project, scene); menuBar.SelectMenu(); menuBar.WindowMenu(); menuBar.DebugMenu(); menuBar.Help(); } //projectInfo.Update(); sceneview.Update(); rc.Update(); explorer.Update(); //settings.Update(); inspector.Update(); //console.Update(); assetsView.Draw(); //ImGui::ShowDemoWindow(); //ImGui::ShowMetricsWindow(); GuiEnd(); SwapBuffers(); } } void LoadLastOrEmptyProject() { // Check if there is a last known loaded project and // load that one . // Otherwise load no project.. // OR // Load an empty project. mINI::INIStructure ini; if (std::filesystem::exists("build\\Debug\\Editor.ini")) { mINI::INIFile file("build\\Debug\\Editor.ini"); file.read(ini); } else { spdlog::debug("Could not find an `Editor.ini` file."); } if (ini["editor"]["openlastproject"] == "TRUE") { Project::LoadProject(ini["cache"]["project"], project); LoadScene(ini["cache"]["scene"], scene); } else { spdlog::debug("Starting without a project. Please create one."); } } private: bool SimulatePhysics = true; YoggieEngine::Entity Selected; Project project; Scene scene; void UpdateSceneCamera(Viewport& sceneview) { const float movement_speed = 0.1f; static float lastX = 400, lastY = 300; const float sensitivity = 0.1; static bool firstMouse = true; if (MouseButtonPressed(YOGGIE_MOUSE_BUTTON_RIGHT)) { glfwSetInputMode((GLFWwindow*)appWindow->GetHandle(), GLFW_CURSOR, GLFW_CURSOR_HIDDEN); auto newX = getCursorPosX(appWindow); auto newY = getCursorPosY(appWindow); if (firstMouse) { lastX = newX; lastY = newY; firstMouse = false; } float xoffset = newX - lastX; float yoffset = newY - lastY; lastX = newX; lastY = newY; xoffset *= sensitivity; yoffset *= sensitivity; sceneview.cam.yaw += xoffset; sceneview.cam.pitch += yoffset; if (sceneview.cam.pitch > 89.0f) sceneview.cam.pitch = 89.0f; if (sceneview.cam.pitch < -89.0f) sceneview.cam.pitch = -89.0f; } else if (firstMouse == false) { glfwSetInputMode((GLFWwindow*)appWindow->GetHandle(), GLFW_CURSOR, GLFW_CURSOR_NORMAL); firstMouse = true; } // Check for Camara movement input here! if (keyIsPressed(YOGGIE_KEY_W)) { sceneview.cam.Position += sceneview.cam.Front * movement_speed; std::cout << "Pressed W !" << std::endl; } if (keyIsPressed(YOGGIE_KEY_A)) sceneview.cam.Position -= sceneview.cam.Right * movement_speed; if (keyIsPressed(YOGGIE_KEY_S)) sceneview.cam.Position -= sceneview.cam.Front * movement_speed; if (keyIsPressed(YOGGIE_KEY_D)) sceneview.cam.Position += sceneview.cam.Right * movement_speed; } }; YoggieEngine::Application* CreateApplication() { return new Editor(); }