2021-05-22 19:50:20 +00:00
# Project Planning
2022-12-28 22:49:55 +00:00
<input type="checkbox" checked> Setup build system</input>\
<input type="checkbox" checked>Link with GLFW</input>\
<input type="checkbox" checked>Link GLEW or GLAD</input>\
<input type="checkbox" checked>Basic Window</input>\
<input type="checkbox" checked>Work on basic logging</input>\
<input type="checkbox" checked>Running LUA</input>\
<input type="checkbox" checked>Basic triangle rendering</input>\
<input type="checkbox" checked>Load model files</input>\
<input type="checkbox" checked>Basic ImGui </input>\
<input type="checkbox" checked>Skybox support</input>\
<input type="checkbox">Basic Textures <i>(Soon)</i></input>\
<input type="checkbox">More shader work <i>(Hopefully coming in January)</i></input> \
<input type="checkbox">Input handling <i>(Soon)</i></input>\
<input type="checkbox">Basic Physics <i>(Almost implemented)</i></input>\
<input type="checkbox">Lua Scripting <i>(Soon)</i> </input>\
<input type="checkbox">Basic Sound system</input>
### What's next?
I am not sure what's going to be added next
2022-04-22 20:37:38 +00:00
## Resources
2022-10-08 13:34:02 +00:00
https://renderdoc.org/ \
https://api.projectchrono.org/tutorial_table_of_content_chrono.html \
https://github.com/epezent/implot -- Useful when displaying graphs of any kind \