# Yoggie Engine ## Goal Must support building a full game in 48 hours. The goal is to build a mature enough engine to be capable of using during game jams. ## Features *_NOTE:_ Just because it is listed as a feature here does not imply it has been nor guarantees it ever will be implemented* - Rendering - OpenGL - Vulkan - Metal (Possibly) - Logging - Different for debug and release - Physics - PhysX - Jolt Physics - Entity Component system - Graphical scripting (Possibly) - Scripting support - LUA - C# (for object orientated approaches to gamedev) - Configuration options - JSON - YAML - INI ## More docs [Todo list](TODO.md) \ [Planning](https://git.barink.dev/Nigel/MyGameEngine/projects)\ [Development](DEVELOPMENT.md)\ [Show case](SHOWCASE.md)