Nigel b4cff3e667 Basic block allocation for physical memory allocation.
- 1 block = 4096 bytes : because this will make page fault handling possibly
somewhat easier

- 1 byte in the bitmap = 8 blocks of physical memory

unsure if the allocation is perfect ... guess i'll find out some day if this is actually correct.

The bitmap needs 16kb to keep track of 2gb of physical memory. Seems a decent percentage to me.
2022-02-26 20:55:34 +01:00

770 B

TODO list

Todo image

This list keeps me focused and organised so I don't forget what needs to be done. It is a expansion on the features markdown file which describes the features. Here I put things I need to remember to do on a more in depth level.


[ ] Setup paging
[ ] HELP command
[ ] Setup a proper HEAP
[ ] Setup a proper Stack
[ ] Setup KMalloc and KFree
[ ] Merge Functioning Feature branches into sandboxKernelDev
[ ] Remove merged feature branches
[ ] Merge sandboxKernelDev with dev
[ ] Remove sandboxKernelDev branch
[ ] Implement proper virtual filesystem