extern "C"{ #include "../lib/include/string.h" } #include "definitions.h" #include "prekernel/bootstructure.h" #include "drivers/vga/VBE.h" #include "drivers/pit/pit.h" #include "memory/memory.h" #include "memory/VirtualMemoryManager.h" #include "memory/KernelHeap.h" #include "memory/gdt/gdtc.h" #include "drivers/acpi/rsdp.h" #include "drivers/ide/ide.h" #include "drivers/ata/ataDevice.h" #include "PartitionTable/MBR/MasterBootRecord.h" #include "interrupts/idt/idt.h" #include "filesystem/FAT/BiosParameterBlock.h" #include "filesystem/FAT/DirectoryEntry.h" #include "drivers/io/io.h" #include "drivers/pci/pci.h" #include "cpu.h" #include "serial.h" #include "time.h" #include "terminal/kterm.h" #include "supervisorterminal/superVisorTerminal.h" extern "C" void kernel_main (); void ProcessBootInfo(); extern "C" void kernel_main () { /* * Show a little banner for cuteness */ printf("|=== BarinkOS ===|\n"); startSuperVisorTerminal(); RSDPTR* rsd = FindRSD(); RSDT* rsd_table = getRSDT(rsd); // Enumerate the PCI bus PCI_Enumerate(); TestIDEController(); int devNumber = 0 ; for ( auto device : ide_devices){ if (!device.Reserved) continue; printf("Device %d\n" , devNumber); printf (" Device on Channel: (0x%x) %s\n" ,device.Channel, device.Channel == 0 ? "Primary" : "Secondary"); printf (" Device drive:(0x%x) %s\n" , device.Drive, device.Drive? "Slave" : "Master"); printf (" Device Type:(0x%x) %s\n" , device.Type, device.Type ? "ATAPI" : "ATA"); devNumber ++; } enum BUS_PORT { Primary= 0x1f0, Secondary = 0x170 }; ATA_DEVICE::Identify((uint16_t) BUS_PORT::Primary, DEVICE_DRIVE::MASTER); const int C = 0; const int H = 0; const int HPC = 16; const int SPT = 63; int S = 1; uint32_t LBA = (C*HPC+H) * SPT + (S-1); printf("LBA: %d\n" , LBA); uint16_t buffer [256]; ATA_DEVICE::Read(BUS_PORT::Primary, DEVICE_DRIVE::MASTER, LBA, buffer); MBR* mbr = (MBR*) buffer; printf("BootSector: 0x%x\n", mbr->ValidBootsector ); for( int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i ++){ PartitionTableEntry PT = mbr->TableEntries[i]; printf("Partition %d [ %d sectors, PartitionType: %x, 0x%x, \nLBA Start: 0x%x ]\n" , i, PT.Number_sectors_inPartition, PT.PartitionType, mbr->uniqueID, PT.LBA_partition_start ); } // Find the BiosParameter block uint16_t biosparameterblock[256]; ATA_DEVICE::Read(BUS_PORT::Primary, DEVICE_DRIVE::MASTER, mbr->TableEntries[0].LBA_partition_start, biosparameterblock); BiosParameterBlock* bpb = (BiosParameterBlock*) biosparameterblock; printf("\nBPB: Bytes per Sector %d\n", bpb->BytesPerSector ); printf("OEM ID: %s\n", bpb->OEM_id); printf("Bytes per sector: %d\n", bpb->BytesPerSector); printf("Sectors per cluster: %d\n", bpb->SectorsPerCluster); printf("Reserved sectors: %d\n", bpb->ReservedSectors); printf("Number of FAT: %d\n", bpb->NumberOfFileAllocationTables); printf("Number of Dir entries: %d\n", bpb->NumberOfDirectoryEntries); printf("Total Sectors in volume: %d\n", bpb->TotalSectorsInLogicalVolume); printf("Sectors per FAT: %d\n", bpb->NumberOfSectorsPerFAT); /** * @brief File Allocation Table */ uint32_t FATAddress = mbr->TableEntries[0].LBA_partition_start + bpb->ReservedSectors ; uint16_t FAT[256]; ATA_DEVICE::Read(BUS_PORT::Primary, DEVICE_DRIVE::MASTER, FATAddress, FAT ); // Show data in terminal for(int i = 0; i < 256; i++ ) { printf("%x ", FAT[i]); } kterm_put('\n'); uint32_t RootDirectoryRegion = FATAddress + ( bpb->NumberOfFileAllocationTables * bpb->NumberOfSectorsPerFAT ); uint32_t DataRegion = RootDirectoryRegion + ((bpb->NumberOfDirectoryEntries * 32) / bpb->BytesPerSector ); uint16_t data2 [256]; ATA_DEVICE::Read(BUS_PORT::Primary, DEVICE_DRIVE::MASTER, RootDirectoryRegion, data2 ); DirectoryEntry* RootDirectory = (DirectoryEntry*) data2; // List files in root for(int i= 0; i < bpb->NumberOfDirectoryEntries ; i++ ) { DirectoryEntry* entry = (DirectoryEntry*)((uint32_t) RootDirectory + (i * sizeof(DirectoryEntry))); if( entry->filename[0] == (uint8_t) 0x00 ) break; // There are no more entries in this directory or the entry is free if( entry->attribute & 0x01 == 0x01 || entry->attribute & 0x20 == 0x20) continue; // Skip listing if hidden or Achieve flag is set // Print the filename; for( int n = 0; n < 8; n++ ){ if(entry->filename[n] == 0x20) break; kterm_put(entry->filename[n]); }kterm_put('\n'); for( int n = 0; n < 3; n++){ kterm_put(entry->Extension[n]); }kterm_put('\n'); printf("Attribute: %x \n" , entry->attribute); printf("FileSize: %d Bytes\n", entry->FilesizeInBytes); if( entry->FilesizeInBytes != 0x0 || entry->attribute & 0x8 == 0x0){ printf("Show contents"); printf( "Start cluster of the file: 0x%x\n" , entry->StartingCluster); printf("IS it only 1 cluster? %s\n" , FAT[i] == 0xFFFF? "Yes": "No" ); uint32_t sector = DataRegion + ((entry->StartingCluster - 0x02 ) * bpb->SectorsPerCluster); uint16_t dataBlob [256]; ATA_DEVICE::Read(BUS_PORT::Primary, DEVICE_DRIVE::MASTER, sector, dataBlob ); for( int n = 0; n < 256; n++) { kterm_put(dataBlob[n] & 0x00ff); kterm_put(dataBlob[n] >> 8); }kterm_put('\n'); } printf("======================\n"); } } extern "C" void early_main() { init_serial(); kterm_init(); printf("Allocated blocks: 0x%x \n", GetUsedBlocks()); initGDT(); init_idt(); // Enable interrupts asm volatile("STI"); initHeap(); printf("TRY ALLOCATING 4 BYTES\n"); uint32_t* MyVariable = (uint32_t*) malloc(4); // allocate 4 bytes using my heap free(MyVariable); // test heap allocation struct KernelInfo { int bar; bool foo; }; KernelInfo* MyInfo = (KernelInfo*) malloc(sizeof(KernelInfo)); MyInfo->bar = 6; MyInfo->foo = false; printf("bar contains %d\n", MyInfo->bar); free(MyInfo); printf("Enable Protected mode and jump to kernel main\n"); asm volatile("mov %cr0, %eax "); asm volatile("or $1, %eax"); asm volatile("mov %eax, %cr0"); // re-enable protected mode ? pit_initialise(); kernel_main(); }