// // Created by nigel on 21/02/23. // #include "FAT.h" #include "../../ata pio/ATAPIO.h" #include "../../../memory/KernelHeap.h" #include void FAT::Read(PFILE file, unsigned char* buffer , unsigned int length) { } FILE FAT::Open(char* filename) { char* tokstate = NULL; char* nextdir = strtok(filename, "/", &tokstate); while (nextdir) { // Read the root directory printf("First entry to look for: %s\n", nextdir); nextdir = strtok(NULL, "/", &tokstate); } FILE file; file.flags = FS_INVALID; return file; } void FAT::Write(PFILE file, unsigned char* buffer, unsigned int length) { } void ParseDateInteger(unsigned int date){ printf("Date (hex) 0x%x\n", date); unsigned int year = (date >> 9 )+ 1980; unsigned int month = (date & 0xf0 ) >> 4; unsigned int day = date & 0xf ; printf("Date: (D,M,Y) %d, %d ,%d\n", day , month, year ); } BiosParameterBlock* getBPB(PTR_PARTITION partition, bool DEBUG =false ){ BiosParameterBlock* bpb = (BiosParameterBlock*) malloc(sizeof(BiosParameterBlock)); ATAPIO_PORT port = (ATAPIO_PORT)(partition->Disk & 0x01FF); DEVICE_DRIVE drive = (DEVICE_DRIVE)(partition->Disk >> 16); printf("ATAPIO_PORT: 0x%x DEVICE_DRIVE: 0x%x\n",port, drive); printf("Partition Start Address (LBA): 0x%x\n", partition->StartAddress); ATAPIO::Read(ATAPIO_PORT::Primary, DEVICE_DRIVE::MASTER, partition->StartAddress, (uint16_t*) bpb); if(DEBUG) { printf("OEM ID: %s\n", bpb->OEM_id); printf("Bytes per sector: %d\n", bpb->BytesPerSector); printf("Sectors per cluster: %d\n", bpb->SectorsPerCluster); printf("Reserved sectors: %d\n", bpb->ReservedSectors); printf("Number of FAT: %d\n", bpb->NumberOfFileAllocationTables); printf("Number of Dir entries: %d\n", bpb->NumberOfDirectoryEntries); printf("Total Sectors in volume: %d\n", bpb->TotalSectorsInLogicalVolume); printf("Sectors per FAT: %d\n", bpb->NumberOfSectorsPerFAT); } return bpb; } bool FAT::Validate(PTR_PARTITION partition ) { auto* bootParams = getBPB(partition, true); if(bootParams->OEM_id) { return true; } return false; } void FAT::Info(_PARTITION *pPartition, PFS pSystem) { pSystem->Read = FAT::Read; pSystem->Write = FAT::Write; pSystem->Open = FAT::Open; } uint16_t* ReadFAT (BiosParameterBlock& bpb , PTR_PARTITION partition, bool DEBUG = false ) { uint32_t FATAddress = partition->StartAddress + bpb.ReservedSectors ; uint16_t* FAT = (uint16_t*)malloc(sizeof (uint16_t) * 256); ATAPIO_PORT port = (ATAPIO_PORT)(partition->Disk & 0x01FF); DEVICE_DRIVE drive = (DEVICE_DRIVE)(partition->Disk >> 16); ATAPIO::Read(port, drive, FATAddress, FAT ); // Show data in terminal if(DEBUG){ for( unsigned int i =0 ; i < 256 ; i++) { printf("0x%x ", (unsigned short)FAT[i]); } kterm_put('\n'); } return FAT; } void readFile(uint32_t DataRegion, DirectoryEntry* entry, uint16_t FATentry, BiosParameterBlock& bpb ){ printf("Show contents"); printf("Start cluster of the file: 0x%x\n", entry->StartingCluster); printf("IS it only 1 cluster? %s\n", FATentry == 0xFFFF ? "Yes" : "No"); uint32_t sector = DataRegion + ((entry->StartingCluster - 0x02) * bpb.SectorsPerCluster); uint16_t dataBlob[256]; ATAPIO::Read(ATAPIO_PORT::Primary, DEVICE_DRIVE::MASTER, sector, dataBlob); for (unsigned short n: dataBlob) { kterm_put(n & 0x00ff); kterm_put(n >> 8); } kterm_put('\n'); } /* void listFilesInRoot(MBR& mbr, BiosParameterBlock& bpb ){ auto FATAddress = mbr.TableEntries[0].LBA_partition_start + bpb.ReservedSectors; uint32_t RootDirectoryRegion = FATAddress + ( bpb.NumberOfFileAllocationTables * bpb.NumberOfSectorsPerFAT ); uint32_t DataRegion = RootDirectoryRegion + ((bpb.NumberOfDirectoryEntries * 32) / bpb.BytesPerSector ); uint16_t* FAT = ReadFAT(bpb, mbr); uint16_t data2 [256]; ATA_DEVICE::Read(BUS_PORT::Primary, DEVICE_DRIVE::MASTER, RootDirectoryRegion, data2 ); auto* RootDirectory = (DirectoryEntry*) data2; // List files in root for(int i= 0; i < sizeof (data2) / sizeof (DirectoryEntry); i++ ) { auto *entry = (DirectoryEntry * )((uint32_t) RootDirectory + (i * sizeof(DirectoryEntry))); if (entry->filename[0] == (uint8_t) 0x00) continue; // There are no more entries in this directory or the entry is free if (entry->attribute & ATTRIBUTES::ATT_HIDDEN) continue; if(entry->attribute & ATTRIBUTES::ATTR_SYSTEM) continue; if(entry->attribute & ATTRIBUTES::ATTR_VOLUME_ID) continue; // Print the filename; for (char n: entry->filename) { if (n == 0x20) break; kterm_put(n); } for (unsigned char n: entry->Extension) { kterm_put(n); } kterm_put('\n'); printf("Attribute: %x \n", entry->attribute); printf("FileSize: %d Bytes\n", entry->FilesizeInBytes); if (entry->FilesizeInBytes != 0x0 && (entry->attribute != 0x10)) { readFile(DataRegion,entry, FAT[i], bpb); } } free(FAT); } FILE fsysFatDirectory (const char* DirectoryName){ FILE file; unsigned char* buf; PDIRECTORY directory; char DosFileName[11]; ToDosFileName(DirectoryName, DosFileName, 11); DosFileName[11] =0; for (int sector=0; sector <14 ; sector++){ ATA_DEVICE::Read(BUS_PORT::Primary, DEVICE_DRIVE::MASTER, mountInfo.rootOffset + sector, (uint16_t*)buf); directory = (PDIRECTORY) buf; for (int i =0; i < 16; i++){ char name[11]; memcpy(name, directory->Filename, 11); name[11]=0; if(strncmp(DosFileName, name, 11) == 0){ strcpy(file.name, DirectoryName); file.id = 0; file.currentCluster = directory->FirstCluster; file.eof = 0; file.filelength = directory->FileSize; if(directory->Attrib == 0x10){ file.flags = FS_DIRECTORY; } else { file.flags = FS_FILE; } return file; } directory++; } } // Can't find file file.flags = FS_INVALID; return file; } void fsysFATRead(PFILE file, unsigned char* buffer, unsigned int length){ if(file){ unsigned int physSector = 32 + (file->currentCluster - 1); const unsigned int SECTOR_SIZE = 512; // read sector ATA_DEVICE::Read(BUS_PORT::Primary, DEVICE_DRIVE::MASTER, physSector, (uint16_t*) buffer ); unsigned int FAT_Offset = file->currentCluster + (file->currentCluster /2); unsigned int FAT_Sector = 1 + (FAT_Offset / SECTOR_SIZE); unsigned int entryOffset =FAT_Offset % SECTOR_SIZE; uint8_t FAT[SECTOR_SIZE*2]; ATA_DEVICE::Read(BUS_PORT::Primary, DEVICE_DRIVE::MASTER, FAT_Sector,(uint16_t*) FAT); // Read 1st FAT sector ATA_DEVICE::Read(BUS_PORT::Primary, DEVICE_DRIVE::MASTER, FAT_Sector +1, (uint16_t*)FAT+SECTOR_SIZE); // read entry for next cluster uint16_t nextCluster = *(uint16_t*) &FAT[entryOffset]; // test if entry is odd or even if(file->currentCluster & 0x0001){ nextCluster>>= 4; // grab the high 12 bits }else{ nextCluster &= 0x0FFF; // grab the low 12 bits } // test for end of file if(nextCluster >= 0xff8){ file->eof -1; return; } // test for file corruption if(nextCluster == 0){ file->eof =1; return; } // set next cluster file->currentCluster = nextCluster; } } FILE fsysFatOpenSubDir(FILE kFile, const char* filename){ FILE file; char DosFileName[11]; ToDosFileName(filename, DosFileName, 11); DosFileName[11] = 0; while(!kFile.eof){ //read directory unsigned char buf[512]; fsysFATRead(&file, buf, 512); PDIRECTORY pkDir = (PDIRECTORY) buf; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 16; i++){ // get current filename char name[11]; memcpy(name, pkDir->Filename, 11); name[11] = 0; if(strncmp(name, DosFileName, 11) == 0){ strcpy(file.name, filename); file.id = 0; file.currentCluster = pkDir->FirstCluster; file.filelength = pkDir->FileSize; file.eof = 0; // set file type; if(pkDir->Attrib == 0x10){ file.flags = FS_DIRECTORY; } else{ file.flags = FS_FILE; } return file; } // go to next entry pkDir++; } } // unable to find file file.flags = FS_INVALID; return file; } */